
Saturday, March 28, 2015

Writer's Corner in Retrospect: Reflections on Mount Hermon

Note: This is a post that was originally on my short-lived writing blog, "Ramblings of a Fairy Tale Fangirl." After several months of blogging there, I decided I wanted to focus on this blog and occasionally feature writing-themed posts here instead. These posts will be part of a series called "Writer's Corner." 

I've decided to schedule the publishing date for these posts on the same day I originally wrote them so there won't be a huge influx of "Writer's Corner" posts all at the same time. Once I've finished going through these, I will publish future "Writer's Corner" posts in a regular manner. 

Oh, and when applicable, I'll also include the comments from the original post at the end of these posts.

In these posts, I go a little more into my faith and personal beliefs than I normally do on this blog...just so you know. You've been warned. ;) As always, I welcome respectfully stated opposing views in the comments.

These posts about Mount Hermon will probably be somewhat repetitive since I shared so much about Mount Hermon on this blog already, but I wanted to have a record of these posts, too. I hope you don't mind. ;)

It's been four days since I returned home from Mount Hermon. I can't believe how quickly the conference flew by. It already feels like a lifetime ago.

I've tried to post something about my experience all week long, but I've had a hard time deciding where to begin. I'm still trying to process everything I experienced. 

That, and the reality of laundry, dishes, and parenting has made time for reflection rather difficult. ;)

Mount Hermon was incredible. It was amazing to see God work through my life and the lives of others around me. I learned more than I could ever imagine and made all sorts of new friends and contacts. There was something so refreshing about meeting other people who shared my passion for words and stories. 

As you know from my previous post, I was both excited and terrified to go. I knew I would learn a lot and enjoy myself, but I also knew I had the potential to make a complete fool of myself.

Thankfully, I had a fearless conference buddy with me. Sarah Bennett, another aspiring author like myself, was my rock this entire trip. She helped me get out of my comfort zone, brainstormed with me our first night, and gave me encouragement and support throughout the entire process, even when she was struggling with disappointment of her own. I'm so glad we got to go together. :)

Since it was such a long drive, we left a day early and stayed in a hotel in town. The next morning, we were able to arrive nice and early.

2015-03-27 09.12.20
This was our room. We stayed in Buckeye 15.

2015-03-27 09.12.47
The room was simple and the beds were a little hard and squeaky, but we were nice and close to the Dining Hall and Auditorium.

2015-03-27 10.36.57
Sarah and I, bright-eyed and ready for our Mount Hermon adventure!

The members of our writers group who had attended Mount Hermon in the past were kind enough to give us all sorts of tips and pointers before we left. We were as prepared as we possibly could be. But just as there are vast differences between parenting in theory and parenting in reality, nothing could fully prepare us for our experience. Still, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

We checked into our room, unpacked our bags, and headed to the first conference event with a spring in our step and hope in our hearts. By that evening, we were both in tears. No one was interested in Sarah's book. It's a book before its time. (But it's a great concept, and I think it's definitely got a market.)

I actually had a more successful first day. It was more a matter of adjusting my plans.

The thing is, for the past couple of years, two of my writing friends told me all about this particular agent and how she'd be a PERFECT fit for me. So even though I tried to be level-headed about everything, I think I pictured this perfect bonding moment between us at our first meeting. I was THRILLED that she was going to be at Mount Hermon, and I knew she would LOVE my pitch and be interested in my book.

Which was why I was thrown for a complete loop when she very kindly told me that she was not interested in fantasy. She was very sweet, and we had a nice little chat, but that door closed almost before I had time to realize what had happened. 

I left her table wondering, "Now what?" That meeting did NOT go the way I'd planned it at all. 

I ended up meeting with two other agents. The first seemed hesitant about my idea but offered to take a look at my first three chapters after the conference. (Hooray!) The third agent I talked to had just told someone else she wasn't taking any debut authors, but I figured it couldn't hurt to practice my pitch.

To my utter surprise, she was very interested in my story idea and my illustrations, and asked me to turn in my manuscript so she could take a look. This was an agent I hadn't even considered, but I figured I had nothing to lose.

The agent interested in looking at my manuscript set up an appointment after she'd had a chance to read through it. At the appointment, she told me she was very interested in my writing and wanted to see my book when it was finished.

I still get goosebumps just thinking about it.

God, in His graciousness, walked with Sarah and I every step of the way throughout our time there. From the inspiring messages Robin Jones Gunn shared, to the classes we took, to the friends we made, we both grew as writers and as believers just by being there.

The road to publication is still long and hard. Just because an agent has agreed to look at my book does not mean it will make the cut. Now the real work begins. 

I was six chapters away from finishing my book, but after everything I learned at Mount Hermon and the suggestions I got from critiques there, I may need to make some drastic changes to the plot to make it an even stronger story. I often wonder if I have a CLUE about what I am doing, and whether I can really pull this thing off.

But I also know that my God is incredible, and He has a plan for me. That is my comfort as I plunge forward into this next crazy adventure. 

I did a series of vlogs while I was at Mount Hermon, which you can see on my YouTube channel HERE. They're not the best quality. I talk quietly in most of them, and the virtual tour videos are REALLY shaky, but I hope you'll enjoy them all the same.

I thought I'd wrap up this post with some pictures of the beautiful Mount Hermon campus. Talk about an inspiring place to writ! :)

2015-03-27 11.11.40
2015-03-27 11.18.32
2015-03-27 11.11.51
2015-03-27 11.36.04
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2015-03-28 10.43.082015-03-29 14.56.242015-03-27 11.37.222015-03-29 16.12.51
2015-03-30 13.28.502015-03-30 13.32.09
2015-03-30 13.29.252015-03-29 14.56.30
2015-03-31 07.52.12
Since I'm a doll and toy nut (as you all know), I brought a couple of Zelfs along with me for some photo ops. Here Petal, the garden fairy Zelf, enjoys the azaleas.

2015-03-31 07.51.38
I also brought Dorothy Doe. They both felt right at home at Mount Hermon.

More writing adventures to come! :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Writer's Corner in Retrospect: Mount Hermon on the Horizon

Note: This is a post that was originally on my short-lived writing blog, "Ramblings of a Fairy Tale Fangirl." After several months of blogging there, I decided I wanted to focus on this blog and occasionally feature writing-themed posts here instead. These posts will be part of a series called "Writer's Corner." 

I've decided to schedule the publishing date for these posts on the same day I originally wrote them so there won't be a huge influx of "Writer's Corner" posts all at the same time. Once I've finished going through these, I will publish future "Writer's Corner" posts in a regular manner. 

Oh, and when applicable, I'll also include the comments from the original post at the end of these posts.

In these posts, I go a little more into my faith and personal beliefs than I normally do on this blog...just so you know. You've been warned. ;) As always, I welcome respectfully stated opposing views in the comments.

In four short days, it will be my first day at Mount Hermon. For those of you who have no clue what I'm talking about, Mount Hermon is a five-day Christian writers conference that takes place every year over Palm Sunday weekend. This is the first year I have ever had the chance to attend, and it was all God's doing.

The Mount Hermon conference was often mentioned with reverence among the members of my local writers group. Those who were able to go shared how wonderful it was and how much they had learned. I would listen to their stories and think, "Someday, that will be me!" I knew that attending would not happen for a while, though. It was a financial impossibility.

This past fall, I buckled down and began working on my books in earnest. The idea for the series had been on my mind for the past four or five years. I'd scribbled a bit here and a bit there, but had never managed to set a regular writing schedule. But at last, the timing was right. All three girls were in school, and I had nothing on my plate except parenting and taking care of the house. I wanted to take advantage of the hours I had while my daughters were at school to type away. It was time to stop talking about my books and actually write them.

Mount Hermon came up in the conversation again. Several of my friends advised me to try to attend. I was still doubtful that the funds would come together, but I tentatively started planning for the 2015 conference.

Then December of 2014 rolled around. Our family had hit a tight spot financially during the month of November, and in December we still weren't caught up. I had planned on paying my $100 deposit for the conference in the beginning of December, but even that relatively small amount was an impossibility.

One cold day in early December, while visiting with my parents, I confided that going to Mount Hermon was looking unlikely for 2015.

"Maybe in 2016," I told them, "but I don't think it's going to happen next year." It was the first time I'd admitted out loud that things were not going to work out.

As it happened, the Lord had other plans.

Later that very day, I popped into a local jewelry store to try to sell some silverware that had belonged to my grandmother. Things were so tight, there was no way we'd be able to pay all of our bills that coming week, and we needed some spare money fast.

When I talked to the young employee at the store, he strongly encouraged me to sell the silverware on eBay instead, saying he wouldn't be able to give me nearly what it was worth. Disappointed and embarrassed, I left the store in tears.

As I drove away, I realized I was being silly. He hadn't told me he wouldn't buy the silverware, and I needed to at least get an estimate before I went away dejected. Thankfully, my ring needed to be cleaned, and I'd left in such a hurry, I'd forgotten about it.

Using the ring as an excuse, I went back in and had them clean it. While there, I asked once again about the silverware. After talking things over with the young man again, I decided to sell the silverware after all. I walked away with $600, more than enough to pay bills...and my $100 deposit.

That was my first clue that perhaps God might have plans for me at Mount Hermon. Still, it was only the first $100. I had to raise another $800 or so before I could go. It was impossible. Or was it?

I will never forget the way things kept happening from that point on.

My uncle sent me a check for Christmas. Half of that went towards my conference fees.

A member from my writing group gave me $100 anonymously at our Christmas party, money that was specifically to be used for Mount Hermon. (I still don't know who it was, but I'm so thankful for their sweet and generous gift.)

I applied for a scholarship through the Mount Hermon website and got another $260 knocked off of the total, as well as a $75 discount for registering early.

Another writing friend suggested I start a Kickstarter campaign to raise the rest. I'd never done anything on Kickstarter before, but I figured it was worth a shot. To my amazement, numerous backers responded as the month-long campaign went on, pledging to support me financially.

In the meantime, I received monetary gifts towards Mount Hermon from friends, family, and members of my local doll club.

By the beginning of February, two short months after I was ready to throw in the towel and give up on attending, my registration was paid in full, and I had an extra $200 to use for travel and other expenses!

Now the waiting and preparing is almost over. Before the week is out, I'll be at Mount Hermon for the first time, meeting writers, editors, and agents, pitching my books, and passing out business cards. I'm thrilled for this opportunity. I'm terrified that I will say something stupid when I try to pitch my story, or babble like a fangirl when I meet Robin Jones Gunn. I'm giddy at the thought of having five days, kid-free, to focus on my writing. I'm eager to learn all I can from the seminars I attend. I'm hungry to fellowship with other believers and connect with other people who share this crazy writing thing. But more than anything, I'm excited to see how God will work in my life and the lives of those around me this week. He's led me this far, and I'm confident that He'll continue to do so throughout my writing journey.

I would so appreciate prayers from those of you who are my brothers and sisters in Christ. This week will be a stretching experience. Some of it will be wonderful, and some of it will most likely be painful. I know, though, that all of it will be profitable. I can't wait to see what God has waiting for me.

So, do any of you have a dream? Are their obstacles in your life that seem impossible? Just remember, you never know what God has planned for you. You might be surprised to discover what He has in store.

  1. Hello, Hannah! It’s lovely to read your newest blog and it is truly amazing to see what the Lord has done for you! If you aren’t a walking (or rather blogging) testimony, then I don’t know what is. Best of luck during your conference and know that you are in my prayers!
    Liked by you
    1. Thank you so much, Aunt Val. :) Thanks for always being there for me and encouraging me in everything I’ve attempted over the years. :)