
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Updates (Comment Problems, Weight Loss Progress, and My Vacation)

Hey guys, just wanted to share a few quick updates before I leave tomorrow.

First, I wanted to apologize to those of you who have blogs that I normally comment on.  I'm having a problem commenting on Blogger.  You may have noticed that I changed the format on my comments...I did it because it had gotten to the point where Blogger wouldn't even let me comment on my own blog.  I looked it up on the Blogger help page, and it sounds like a lot of users are having this problem.  As near as I can figure, any blogs that have their comments "embedded below post" (the third option on the "Settings" page, under "comments") are blogs that I can no longer comment on.  Whenever I try to comment on these blogs, I select "Google account" as my user profile, and then it takes me to the sign in page.  I sign in, but when Blogger takes me back to preview my comment, it's signed "Anonymous" instead of beastsbelle.  Then, when I click "post comment", Blogger takes me back to the sign in page.  It continues this cycle indefinitely.

So, until Blogger figures out this problem or until other bloggers decide to change their format, I'm stuck only commenting on blogs that have their comments open in a new window or a new page.  I just wanted to say something, because there are certain blogs I've been dying to comment on, such as Elegance of FashionI Heart American GirlThe Green Girls, Dolls and Nachos, and many others I can't think of right now.  I hope you all manage to read this post and know that I still love and follow your blogs, I just can't comment. :(

Okay, I need to keep you guys posted on my weight loss progress, too.  (Just trying to keep myself accountable here.) ;)  The bottom line is I've lost a total of 7 lbs so far.  I actually was down to 7 lbs 3 or so weeks ago, but then I had that lovely week of the month that all women love, and gained 4 lbs back.  I'm hoping most of that was due to water retention and not too many snacks. :)  I was back down to 5 lbs total lost the following week.  Then last week, everything was messed up.  I didn't get a chance to weigh in and I got my wisdom teeth out, so I really wasn't sure what to expect when I weighed in yesterday.  I was so excited when I found that I was back down to 7 lbs lost! :)  Now I've just got to get through vacationing without blowing everything.  I'm sure all you gals can relate. ;)

I've decided that I will bring Pita home when I hit the 10 lb mark.  As I mentioned in an earlier post, I was debating between 10 and 20 lbs.  Before, I was feeling quite optimistic and was leaning towards waiting until 20.  Now, I'm trying to be a bit more realistic.  I'd like to have Pita home before winter. ;)  So, just 3 more lbs and Pita will join my other girlies.  I have a really fun updated doll comparison post planned when she does get here.  :)

Also, Tess wanted me to inform you that there are two new  posts on their blog.  One written by Maggie (click  HERE to read it) and a new post on "Belle's Bulletins" page (click HERE and remember to scroll all the way down to read the latest).  Hope you guys get a chance to check them out. :)

And finally, just a reminder that I will be leaving for vacation tomorrow.  I've decided I only want to take one doll with me, and I've decided that Maggie is the lucky one.  I really wanted to take Piper too, but the thought of taking pics of two dolls was a little more overwhelming (especially since all 3 of my daughters are bringing their dolls and want me to take pics of them, too!).  I want to take a few pics for the blogs, but I don't want to be so involved in photography that I miss out on having fun with my family. :)


  1. Wow! Thanks you so much for letting me know about my comment problem- I'm going to change the comment settings right now.

    Thanks and I can't wait for PIta!

  2. I agree with Gabby! Just in case, I'm changing my comment settings. :)

  3. YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!! I am soooooo glad I'm not the only one who had trouble commenting!!! I thought it was just my computer being strange :-)

    Have a great vacation!

  4. Glad to help!! Nice to know I'm not the only one going thru it. ;)

  5. Hi! I have been on your blog several time, and I love it! Spicemuffin tagged me, so I tagged you! When you are tagged, you post seven random facts about yourself! :)

  6. I changed my comments! :) Thanks!

  7. Hi Elliebob. :) Thanks for the complement. I'd love to do a tag post, but I'll probably wait until after I get back from vacation on Tuesday.

    Glad to hear the comment post was helpful to you, too. :)
