
Saturday, June 16, 2012

On My Way Out of Town

Well, friends, I had hoped to get a few more posts up before this weekend, but time slipped away from me.  On Thursday the girls and I were able to enjoy an afternoon with my best friend since 6th grade (who'd come in from out of town) and her daughters, and then my mom watched my three girls so that I could have an old-fashioned sleepover with the same friend.  We watched romantic movies, ate pizza, and stayed up late talking.  It was such a blessing to be able to spend that time with her and feel like a teenager again. :)

Yesterday, I rode a couple hours out of town to take part in my hubby's niece's wedding rehearsal (I'm singing a duet with my brother-in-law for the wedding).  I got back at around 5:30 and have been packing ever since! :}

Today is the wedding, and then we'll be spending the week with Hubby's family.  I won't have Internet access during that time, so you won't be hearing from me for a while.  I still have comment moderation on, so  feel free to leave a comment or two, but don't be worried if your comment doesn't get published for a while.  I'm not snubbing you, I just can't get to a computer. ;)

In other news, I just realized the other day that it will be my 2 year Blogoversary for Never Grow Up in just a little over a month!!  I can't believe how quickly this second year of blogging has flown by! :)  I'm starting to think of some ideas that will make the celebration a special one, so stay tuned! ;)  Tess and Maggie's 2 year Blogoversary is coming up in August (or something like that), and Belle's 1 year Blogoversary will be in October, so it will be a year of celebrations.  I can't wait! :D

Oh, and in other news, some of you may have noticed on my weight tracker at the bottom of the blog that I've now lost 13.4 pounds.  Yay! :)  Just about 7 or 8 more pounds to go before I reach my goal weight!!  If I can keep things on track, I should be there by either August or September. :)  Thanks for all of your prayers and encouragement in this matter.  It has been an ongoing battle, but I am determined to keep on keeping on.  I already feel so much better and have so much more energy.  Now I just need to get back into my exercise routine. :}  I still have to constantly watch my attitude, though.  I don't ever want my weight or my looks to define my value or worth.  It's so difficult to avoid this trap, especially in a world that is so focused on appearances.  My worth is in Christ and His work through me, not the dress size I wear or the shade of my lipstick. ;)

Well, that's about all I have time for now.  I have lots of exciting posts in the works that I'll be able to share with you as soon as I have the time to get them polished up and posted. :)  Have a great weekend and a great following week, everyone! :)  

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