
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Craziness :)

Hi everyone!  Just thought I'd pop in for a bit.  Things are going to be a bit chaotic this week.  I'm helping with the music for our church's Vacation Bible School, so I won't be blogging as much until the week is over.  Just wanted to give you a heads up. ;)

While browsing Facebook earlier, I noticed the announcement that the Hearts For Hearts Girls Shola and Mosi dolls were available on again.  But by the time I got over here to post about it, Mosi was already out of stock (she's also backordered on, and Shola was down to 2 dolls.  The Hearts For Hearts Girls Facebook page has assured that there will be more Mosi and Shola dolls on their way.

This is pretty much the way things happened with Lauryce last year, so my advice would be to keep tabs on Amazon and Playmates toys (as well as your local stores) if you want to snag one for yourself.  It seems that the production level of these dolls typically does not meet the demand.

I actually had Mosi in my Amazon cart for a while, but I was trying to be good.  I don't NEED another doll, and I don't NEED to spend another $25, especially with school bills coming up. :{  While I was debating with myself, she sold out, so I guess that's my answer. ;)

In other news, the Ever After High website is officially up and running.  There are games, videos, and more.  You can see everything HERE.

And while we're on that subject, my mom took advantage of the "Buy One, Get One Free" sale while she was on an out-of-town trip, so Apple White and Briar Beauty have joined the Never Grow Up clan. ;)  I'll have pictures up later, probably at the end of this week. :)

There are also several Belle's Bulletins posts in the works.  Belle has updates galore to share with you, and just as soon as she has a chance, she'll get them up on her blog. :)

And just one more thing before I go.  Next week, I'll be taking my annual family vacation to the coast, so things might be a bit sporadic for a while, but I'll have lots of doll pics to share when I get back.  Alice is going this time around, and I've heard that her sisters Piper and Ruthie are going too. :)

Okay, scratch that.  THIS is the last thing. :}  I wanted you to know that I have NOT forgotten that Wednesday the 24th is my THREE YEAR BLOGOVERSARY.  (Whoo-hoo!!) :)  I have some fun things planned for that, so stay tuned! :)

Okay, I've got to go for now, but I'll be back later in the week.  Talk to you soon, everyone! :)


  1. I'm hoping I get Lauryce, Mosi, and Shola for my birthday, but I'm not expecting it. I made an account on Ever After High, I'm RavenHood26. :) Go rebels!

  2. That would be an amazing birthday! :) Maybe you'll get at least one of them. ;)

    Great name choice! :)

  3. Yay! Belle is updating soon! I can't wait! Vacation Bible School? Sounds like fun! I pictured service taking place at the beach, lol!

  4. Aww, thanks. Belle will be happy to hear that you're excited. ;)

    Lol...Vacation Bible School would be AMAZING if it was at the beach. ;) It's actually just a week long program where kids from the neighborhood can come sing songs, play games, do crafts, and learn about the Bible. It's a great ministry opportunity and usually stretches me in my own spiritual walk as well. ;)

  5. I'm being totally random when I say this, but have you heard of "Lemony Snicket's a Series of Unfortunate Events"? If not thats fine, but the movie has some of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard. I highly recommend the songs, and I recommend the movie as well, but it has a few scary parts, and some swearing.

    Wow that a long comment.

  6. I've heard of it and seen parts of the movie, but I've never really looked into it. Just from the clips I've seen, it didn't seem like the type of movie I would enjoy. I haven't heard any of the music, though.

  7. The Lemony Snicknet book is fabulous. My daughter teaches 5th reading and her students love it ---and I did too!!!

  8. Thanks for letting me know...perhaps I'll look into it. :)

  9. Cool! I'm helping out at my church's VBS too! I'm helping teach the kindergarteners and grade 1s!

  10. Fun! :) Teaching VBS is very rewarding but exhausting too. ;)

  11. Hey! So are you giving up on Mosi?? And you were looking forward to her so much! Maybe though, once things die down a bit and there are plenty in stock... maybe...;]
    What do you think of Shola??(Hehe whenever I want to buy a new doll I automatically think of consulting either Beastsbelle or Vanessa from Vansdolltreasures.) I love how unique her eyes are. All in all, I'm impressed greatly with the h4h girls line. Each are so very unique yet the quality in each us amazing, and they don't cost a bazillion dollars!
    Tell Belle that we can't wait to hear from her! Emilie is a cutie. ;-)
    Au revoir!

  12. Hi Cachetas! :) I'm actually kind of tempted to pick up a Mosi when she comes up on Amazon again. I'd love to do a detailed review...and with the way things are going, I figure I could always resell her for the same price if I needed to. :)

    I think Shola is lovely too, but Mosi is my favorite, and as I don't need to do two $25 dolls at the same time (especially with so many other exciting new releases coming up), I'd have to choose between the two. I would love to see Shola in person, though...she looks amazing! :)

    I'm very impressed with the Hearts for Hearts Girls as well. I just hope they can figure out their production so the dolls are more available to their fans.

    Belle is looking forward to her post, too. :} This week has been a little crazy for all of us. I expect she'll have something up by this weekend. ;)
