
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Big McIntosh and Princess Twilight Sparkle Funko Vinyl Collectible Review

I'm so excited to share pictures of these adorable Funko figures with you.  As I mentioned two posts ago, I found these at Hot Topic.

A little disclaimer here:  I don't generally recommend Hot Topic for all ages.  The employees at our Hot Topic are really sweet, and it's one of the best local places to find My Little Pony, Doctor Who, and Disney collectibles.  However, the music is loud and usually the type that sounds like angry screaming.  There are times I have to leave the store earlier than planned because my ears hurt. :}  The store also has other not-as-kid friendly items, such as Walking Dead collectibles and other such items.  I do not take my daughters into the store, but only go when I can go by myself (or with Hubby, although the store does not hold the same fascination for him). ;)  I know these things won't be an issue for some, but I just wanted to make sure you knew it was not a kid-recommended store for me. ;)

Moving on, though. :)  I had heard earlier through My Little Pony News that Big McIntosh was going to be released as a Funko Vinyl Collectible and was super excited.  Big Mac is one of my favorite MLP characters, and he has only been released as a blind bag character so far (without his harness and with a mane and tail longer than in the movie...I know, I'm picky). ;)

So when I popped into Hot Topic for a quick browse and saw him there, I knew I wanted to add him to my collection.  Of course, when I saw that the entire store had a Buy One, Get One 50% Off sale going, I decided that Princess Twilight Sparkle could come home with me too. ;)

Here are Big McIntosh and Twilight Sparkle in their boxes.

Big Mac

Both Big McIntosh and Twilight Sparkle are Hot Topic Exclusive Pre-Releases.  I'm assuming that means that they will eventually be in other locations. :)

Other box views: 

One of the things I love about the Funko Vinyl Collectibles is that they come out easily from their boxes, and they're not attached by any twist ties.  This is great for the "to unbox or not to unbox" debate I always struggle with. ;)  I can take them out to display them but always get them back into their boxes in perfect condition.  

The clear plastic that holds Big Mac in place folds open at the top and bottom, making it very easy to remove him.

I love how amazing he looks.  It's as if he stepped right off the screen. :)

Front view

Other side view

Back view

Another great thing about the Funko Vinyl MLPs is that they have their cutie marks on both sides, unlike the brushables and blind bag figures, which only have them on the display side: 

Big Mac's face from both sides: 

Here he is next to my blind bag Big McIntosh.  I definitely prefer my Funko Big Mac for his show accuracy, but it's fun having both in my collection. :)

Time to move on to Twilight. :)

Twilight in her box.

Other box views: 

Here she is in her clear plastic holder.

I love this figure, too.  Twilight's hair is really captured best in plastic.  I've never been 100% thrilled with her brushable versions.

Oh, and I thought I should mention that even though there is a seam on Twilight's neck, she does not turn her head, so don't try it unless you want a broken pony. ;)

Front view

Other side view

Back view

Just like Big McIntosh, Twilight has her cutie mark on both sides:

Twilight's face from both sides:

She has a few smudgy spots on this side, which I've found pretty typical for these figures.  They usually come off easily with a Lysol wipe or something similar.

To illustrate my earlier point, here is Twilight back in her box after the photo shoot. :)

I would definitely recommend these figures to any My Little Pony fans from ages six and up (depending on the child).  The Funko ponies are highly detailed, very movie accurate, and durable.  I think even Little Gal (who is six and a little more destructive than her sisters) would do okay with these (as long as I reminded her to not try to turn the heads). ;)  They are definitely more for display than play, but I think they would hold up to gentle play pretty well.  They are priced a little high for a plaything, but are fairly reasonably priced for a collectible (especially on a Buy One, Get One 50% Off sale).  Big McIntosh was $18.99, and Twilight was $16.50.  The regular figures (non-pre-release) can be found for as low as $10.99 to $12.99 on  You can also find them at Barnes and Noble and some toy stores.

Hope you enjoyed the review!  I'll be reviewing the new My Little Pony blind bag-sized Ponyville collections later this week, so stay tuned! :)


  1. They're so cute! I might have to break down if I found a Rainbow Dash :) Thanks for the review!

  2. For those interested, the Princess Twilight Sparkle reviewed here is on Amazon for $6.84!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. So are Trixie and Octavia!

  4. Those are pretty cool! Hmm....I think I would like to get Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash sometime, do they sell them? I've seen the MLPS at too!

  5. Cool! I'm glad you reviewed these. It looks like Funko did an amazing job with both of them! :)

    By the way, how did you like the big S4 finale? :3

  6. AAH! BIG MAC!!! HE MUST BE MINE!!! Note to self: Go to Hot Topic NOW!!

  7. Hi Juliet! I don't know if I'm being helpful or not, but they do have a Rainbow Dash on HERE. Even better, she's only $10.99! :) Just thought you might want to know. ;)

    Thanks for the tips, Anonymous. When I searched this morning, the cheapest I found Trixie and Octavia for was $13.00, and I found Twilight for $18.12 (which is actually more expensive than Hot Topic), so I'm wondering if the really inexpensive ones sold?

    Addy and Emma, you can find Rainbow Dash on (check out the link I left for Juliet in the above comment), and Applejack was the other Exclusive Pre-release at Hot Topic. :) She's adorable!! She has her hat and everything. I was really tempted to get her, but decided to go for Twilight since she and Fluttershy are my two favorites (if Fluttershy had been there, I would have snagged her instead). :)

    Hi Momo! Yes, Funko did an excellent job. I'm thrilled with both of them. :)

    As far as the big Season 4 finale, I really enjoyed it. :) I loved all of the tie-ins to the rest of the season, and thought the music was fun overall. I think "A Canterlot Wedding" is still my all-time favorite finale, but this one was really fun too. :)

    Lol, hope you find one, MyLittleMegara. :)

  8. That's weird. Yesterday all three were at that super cheep price!

  9. That is odd. :( Sorry for those of you who missed it!

  10. Hey I've read some of the posts about you drawing so....I have a drawing blog and if you have any tips on drawing (especially manga and anime art styles)then that'd be awesome! If you'd like to check out my blog then search: Addy'

  11. I need that Twilight Sparkle! She'll fit in rather well with the rest of my Twilight Sparkle collection. ;)

  12. Hi Addy. Nice artwork! :) I see some "Wreck-it Ralph" and "Tangled" influences there. ;)

    The best advice I could give you is draw at least a little bit every day. The more you practice, the better you'll be. Look for interesting art tutorials on YouTube or other places.

    For Manga specifically, I would highly recommend Mark Crilley's book "Mastering Manga", which you can see on HERE.

    He has some great and easy-to-follow tips that can be applied to Manga or any other type of art. He also has a YouTube channel HERE, which has some great art tutorials. :)

    I feel I should mention that I have not read any of his comic strips and therefore cannot say whether or not I recommend them. His art tutorials are great, though. :)

    Annie, she'd be a great addition to any Twilight Sparkle collection! :) Twilight and Fluttershy are my two faves. :)

  13. Thanks! Yeah I really love Tangled and wreck-it Ralph so they are always etched in my mind when I draw. Thanks for the tips!
