
Monday, May 19, 2014

More Posts Later This Week...

Hey guys!  Just wanted to let you know that I'm hoping to have a good post up for you later this week.  We've gotten through most of the cold/flu stuff (although Middle Gal is still coughing through the night...I'm looking forward to getting back to a full night's sleep!), but this week is still going to be quite hectic as we finish off the school year.  Tomorrow I have my last art classes for the year, Wednesday night Little Gal graduates from Kindergarten, and Thursday is full of end of the year parties for the girls.

Thanks for being so patient with me.  I've missed being here and I have so much to share with you when I have the time. :)

Talk to all of you soon!


  1. Congratulations to Little Gal! And get well Middle Gal, I just started a cold myself lol!

  2. Looking forward to the post!! :)
    Also just wanted to share some awesome finds at a local thrift store over the last couple of days: I found a Lalaloopsy Snowy Fairest for $2.99; a Heart4Hearts Girls Dell for $1.99 (although she didn't have any I improvised with some AG ones, pulled them together in the back, and tied it all together with a pretty fabric scrap :)); and a American Girl Mini Kirsten for $0.98, who I passed on to my sister. :). Needless to say, I am quite happy! Thrift stores are amazing! :D

  3. News flash! Classic Anna is back on the Disney Store site!

  4. Thanks, Sunny! :) Hope your cold is getting better. Middle Gal's has improved quite a bit. :)

    Anonymous, congrats on your great finds! You can't beat those awesome thrift store deals. ;)

    Thanks, Anonymous. I've really fallen behind on keeping you guys updated. :{
