
Sunday, July 24, 2016

Six Years...Almost ;) (Plus a Giveaway)

So, I THOUGHT my six year blogoversary was today, but I just looked through the archives and realized my actual blogoversary is TOMORROW. Since we're heading out for vacation tomorrow, though, I thought I'd go ahead and do my post today as I had originally planned. ;)

It's hard to grasp that it's been six years since I sat down and started this little blog. It's fascinating to go back and see how it has grown, developed, and changed over the years.

Blogging for this long shows you how much turnover there is in the Internet world. Many of the bloggers who inspired me or became my first online friends aren't around anymore. And I get it. Keeping at it this long is tough. But I'm thankful for every post, every comment, and every friend I've made along the way, even those who have come and gone. I wouldn't be where I am today without all of you, my friends and readers. So thank you. Thank you for sticking with me for so long. For brightening my day with your thoughts and encouragement. For being such a loving, supporting community. I couldn't have done this without you. :)

In keeping with tradition, as a thank you to all of you, I've planned a little giveaway. Sadly, my current financial situation will not allow it to be the grand giveaway I'd hoped for, and I'll have to keep it within the USA this time. I hope you understand. Thankfully, I had a few goodies stashed away for future giveaways. :)

Here are the prizes. :) I chose six different types of toys, one for each year of my blog. One winner will receive the whole collection. :)

First up is this adorable Little Pullip Assa doll, a recent Tuesday Morning find of my mom's. :)

Assa has an adorable little face...

...and a cute little pin that comes with her.

The winner will also receive this sweet Little Kingdom Snow White doll.

Next we have a blind-bag-sized My Little Pony Applejack with her bed and blanket. 

The blanket and Applejack are both removable. :)

Since I just recently discovered the Twozies, I thought it would be fun to include a couple of pairs in the giveaway. :) The winner will receive two Twozies pairs and two display boxes.

Stretch (the giraffe) and Lofty (the baby)

Spotty (the leopard) and Speedie (the baby)

I also thought it would be fun to include another new line for the summer: the My Mini MixieQ's. :)

The prizes include (left to right) Roller Skates, Hot Dog, Gamer Girl...

...Magician, Checkerboard, and Gamer Boy. :)

And finally, I wanted to include something for the 18 inch crowd as well, so here is a cute Cat in the Hat "book" for 18 inch dolls. 

It's actually blank inside, but still looks really cute on display. 

And it's a great size for the dolls, as Hailey is demonstrating here. :)

Giveaway Rules:

1. This giveaway is for readers in the USA only. (Sorry!) :(

2. If you are under 18, please get a parent or guardian's permission to enter.

3. To enter, please leave your name or username and email address in the comments below. Comments with email addresses will NOT be published and will only be seen by me.

4. For one extra entry, you may choose one of the following:

      -Follow me on Twitter
      -Follow me on my NEW Instagram account (It's not very exciting yet, but I'm working on it.) ;)
      -Follow me on my Never Grow Up Facebook page

NOTE: Please leave me a comment, letting me know what you did for your extra entry so I can count it!

5. For another extra entry, you may leave a suggestion for the future or share your favorite post from Never Grow Up in the comments. (If you leave them in a comment separate from the one containing your email address, I can publish them to share with others.) :) 

6. Because I'll be gone on vacation all week, this giveaway will be open until Sunday, August 7th

7. On Monday, August 8th, I will pick a winner through a random drawing and email them to get their mailing address. The winner will have one week to respond. If I have not heard from the winner by Monday, August 15th, a new winner will be chosen.

Thank you again for a wonderful six years together. :) I appreciate you all more than you know.


  1. Happy Six Years!!!! :D I just discovered your blog about a year ago, and you're one of the people who inspired me to start blogging! :) I followed your Instagram, and I put my email in a separate comment. :)

    Actually, Belle's Bulletins is what really inspired me to start sharing my writing and photo stories, and I really love how you're so outspoken about your faith. I want to start including that in my blogging as well, and you're my inspiration! :) But if I had to choose one favorite post, it would be your review of the Brunette Rapunzel Wedding Doll from the Disney Store.

    Thank you SO much for creating such an awesome giveaway, and happy six years!!!! <3

  2. Hi I found your blog about a year ago and I love it. It's one of my favorites! I've never posted a comment before but I wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your doll and toy reviews from a Christian perspective. I too am a Christian mom with a young daughter (she's turning 7 this year and just starting to getting into dolls and doll collecting) and it's great to hear from someone with similar beliefs and concerns.

    I followed your Facebook page and sent a separate comment with my email. My favorite posts from your blog are when you share your incredible thrift store finds. The American Girl dolls you and your mother have found are simply amazing!!! I've never found anything American Girl at my local thrift stores - though I have found some good doll finds from time to time. Ironically, it was finding an Our Generation doll at my local Goodwill last summer that led me to do some online research on 18" off brand dolls that caused me to discover doll blogs like yours.

    Keep up the good work and Happy Anniversary!!!!

  3. Happy Anniversary! Assa! <3 It's good, that I already have her, otherwise I'd have to move to US and try my luck in the giveaway. ;) Good luck to the participants!

  4. Hooray! I'm so happy for you! I'll send my email in a second comment, and I follow you on both instagram and facebook.

    My favorite posts would have to be your reviews, and if I had to pick one it'd be the review of your 2012 Belle doll, it's the one that first showed me how amazing the Disney dolls were, and the reason I started collecting them! You're also the one who first introduced me to hot topic, which has really satisfied my Doctor Who obsession!

    Congratulations on Six Years!

  5. I have been following your blog for close to a year. I love that you enjoy collecting anything from American Girl to Zelfs. I am a mother of two so I know exactly how hectic life can be with keeping up with day to day and maintaining a hobby/blog/personal escape. Thank you for sharing...and Happy 6 years!!

    My favorite posts are the ones of your travels....Love all the pics, keep those coming :)

    I followed you on Facebook and I included my email in a separate comment.

    Rachel C.

  6. For my second entry,
    Your blog as a whole is what keeps me coming back. I enjoy the variety of posts.
    One thing I have particularly enjoined was seeing how you and your daughters' collections are displayed. So, for a future post, I would like to see photos of where and how you are displaying and using your collections.

  7. Happy Anniversary! I hope you will keep on blogging for a long time but I do understand it's not always easy to combine blogging with real life ...
    All the best from The Netherlands and enjoy your vacation.

  8. Omg six years already!? The time flies! I'm so happy that your blog has gotten so much success, and I can honestly say that as a long time reader me and I know the tons of others enjoy your blog so much! I have to say that Belle's Bulletin has been and always will be my favorite thing written by you. When I discovered Belle's blog I thought it was so! Creative to see a blog/story through the eyes of a doll, I seriously miss her blog so much too! Have you read/heard about Holly's Dolly's doll story? It reminds me so much of belles bulletin, its great! Anyway congrats! On the anniversary!

  9. My favorite posts are your reviews of Disney Dolls. I look forward to reading more of your doll reviews in the future!

    Congrats on your sixth blogoversary!

  10. Happy anniversary! I wish many more to come!
    I love the little personal things you add to the reviews.
    Like many others I love Belles Buletins and I read it (and add new comments) from time to time.
    Here is a Repunzel LE doll sketch from me to celebrate it!

  11. Love your blog and my favorite post has to be your doll reviews from Japanese dolls like Pullip to Disney dolls here in the US.

  12. congrats on your anniversary... just found out about your blog... do visit mine too if you have some time :D

    p/s : how i wish i can enter your giveaway too T_T

  13. Recently discovered your blog which as made me realize it is ok to love my daughters toys and much as she does and spend as much time as I want to looking over doll websites planning out the future collection I want to create for my daughter :)

  14. I love reading your blog. I especially like hearing about your thrift store finds! I shop at thrift stores a lot and have found 1 American girl doll and 7 of the Heart for Heart girls (my favorites!) I sew clothes for the dolls qnd am now thinking of making some beds with handmade quilts. I love seeing your doll "bedrooms", too. As I am a mom, I also like to hear about your daughters and family activities. Keep up the great blog and happy anniversary1 :) Barbara

  15. Congrats on reaching six years! That's definitely a big accomplishment in the blogging world. You have had a lot of great posts, but one of my favorites was the story you wrote for your friend about the Christmas ornaments.

  16. My favorite posts you've done are the ones about Disney Animator's Collection dolls. I'd love to see more of them on your blog! I've liked your Facebook page and I've asked a parent's permission to enter. Have a great day!

  17. I've always loved this blog and you inspired me to get my first Classic doll (I now have 6!) You're a great little bookish, dollish, Christian corner of the Internet for me. Thanks for never quitting!

  18. Thank you so much for all of the wonderful comments, everyone. I'm so glad this blog has provided fun, information, and encouragement for you in different ways. :) You guys are going to make me cry! ;)

    Meritre, your artwork is stunning! :)

    To those of you who could not enter because you aren't in the USA, I'm hoping that I'll be able to do some worldwide giveaways in the future!
