
Monday, May 9, 2011

And the Winner is...

Hi everyone!!  Thanks so much to all of you who participated in my Disney Blog Party this past week.  It was so much fun sharing our answers and seeing who had the same Disney favorites.  As you know, all of you who participated were entered into a drawing to win my Beauty and the Beast (or maybe I should say Beauty and the Prince) pencil sketch. :) 

Well, this morning I put everyone's names in a bowl and had my hubby pick one name out.  And the winner of the Disney Blog Party giveaway is:       


Congratulations, Miranda!!  So, I need you to email me at with your mailing address.  You have 1 week to respond.  If I haven't heard from you by next Monday, I'll pick another winner. 

Thanks again to everyone who joined in on the fun.  I'd also like to say a special thanks to my 66 followers!!!  Incredible!  I'm so thankful for all of you, and hope you'll continue to enjoy my random ramblings. :)