
Saturday, July 23, 2011

EBay Seller Wulang55 Party Dress Review

Hi everyone!  I'm back again. :)  We had a wonderful week of Vacation Bible School.  There were about 200 kids that attended over the course of the week, so we had a great turnout.  The Gospel was clearly shared.  I'm not aware if any children were saved during the week, but the seeds were planted, so we're praying that the things they learned will impact their lives. 

I had a great time working with some of the college-aged men and women that helped me up front with the music.  They were such a blessing and encouragement to me.  It's so exciting to see the Lord using the young people of our church to glorify Himself! :)

While I loved doing VBS, it's great to get back to blogging, too! :)  I've missed sharing with all of you over the past week.  And of course, Monday is my 1 year Blogoversary!! :D  I can't believe it!  

I got my last eBay purchase at the end of last week, so I thought I'd review my newest doll goody. :)  This dress was purchased from eBay seller wulang55.  You can follow the link to visit her eBay store.  

I've been wanting to try something from this seller for a really long time.  Her items have been in my watch list, but I just never got around to purchasing anything until now.  I'm so glad that I finally gave her a try! 

Wulang55 has a variety of fun doll items to offer, including dresses and other outfits, doll umbrellas, and shoes.  Her prices are very reasonable, and she just recently started doing free shipping to the US! :)  Not only that, but her shipping is very quick.  She is located in Hong Kong, but my dress got to me (in California) in less than a week!  She has great communication and friendly customer service.

The item I ordered was the party dress in blue.  It was $10.99 Buy it Now with free shipping. 

The bodice is blue satin, and the skirt is satin with a gauzy blue overlay sprinkled with silver dots.  The waistband has a blue satin ribbon and two little silver butterflies on it.  I think it's absolutely adorable on Tess.

The dress has Velcro closure in the back.  Although it is fairly easy to get on the doll, I would recommend this for an older girl (closer to 7 or 8).  The sewing is beautifully done, but satin and the netting are naturally fragile materials that might snag or fray with younger hands.  Wulang55 has plenty of dresses in nice cottony materials to choose from for younger girls. 

Here are some close-ups:

The dress came with a cute pearl necklace and bracelet set.  I really loved the bracelet.  The necklace could have used a few more beads, because at certain times when it's draped over the bodice of the dress, there is a big gap between the pearls.  Everything else was spectacular, though! :)

I love the silver dots on the skirt.  That extra touch of sparkle makes it really beautiful.

Tess's shoes did not come with the dress.  I got them at Michael's in their Springfield dolls section.  I believe they were around $4.99 or so.  And while I'm on the subject, Tess's hair clippies also didn't come with the outfit.  I found those at Walmart in the children's section. 

Here are some more pictures of Tess, just because she looks so pretty! ;)

I would highly recommend this seller.  Her prices are great, her shipping is quick and FREE, and her work is beautiful.  The beaded necklace, while a little disappointing, was not enough to affect my good opinion of my purchase, especially considering the great price I paid.  It still looks nice, too, as you can see from the pictures.  I willl definitely buy from her again.  Thanks, wulang55! :D 

Be sure to check out her eBay store for yourself and see all of her fun items. :)


  1. Very pretty! I have ordered from the same seller before, but it has been a couple of years at least. My experience was also good.

    Tess looks wonderful in her new dress and you accessorized beautifully. :o)

  2. What an adorable dress! :) I'll definitely have to check out her eBay shop.

  3. That looks sooo beautiful on Tess .. wow .. her things are really cute for sure ..

    Thanks for sharing with us ..


  4. Thanks everyone! I'll be sure to pass the complements on to Tess...she'll be very pleased. ;)

  5. Very pretty! My best fried has that exact dress from that same seller only is black, and I know for a fact that she loves it. It's very pretty in person, isn't it? :D


  6. Hi Emma. Thanks for commenting! :) It's funny, when I bought this dress, it took me a long time to decide between this one and the black dress you're talking about. :) I finally decided on this dress because I loved the brilliant blue color. I'm so pleased with my decision...of course, I wouldn't be opposed to adding the black version to my collection later on! ;)

  7. Great photos! That dress is so pretty I need to check out her ebay!

  8. I LOVE wulang55!!!!!! Her dresses are so pretty!!! She was like the 1st ebay seller I saw and I like immediatly LOVED her!! But I never bought anything. Glad you like it!

  9. Hi, Me and doll. Thanks for commenting. :) Wulang55 has great stuff. I'd definitely recommend trying something of hers in the future. :) Thanks for entering my giveaway, too. :D
