
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Updates! :)

Hey everyone!  Sorry it's been a while since I've posted.  Like I warned you, things have gotten crazy and have prevented me from posting as often as I'd like to. 

My clavicle and shoulder area are feeling a lot better this week, so that's an answer to prayer.  I just need to be a little more careful about how I do things for a while. :}

I'm hoping to get a few posts for each of the blogs done sometime tomorrow or the next day, so you can check back for that.  In the meantime, you can head over to Tess and Maggie's blog to see Maggie's Thanksgiving post.  :)

I'm so anxious to get my doll rooms all set up for Christmas!  We got our tree up but as a result ended up doing a lot of rearranging.  My house is a complete disaster area...except for the kitchen, which I cleaned today. :)  When I'm feeling stressed, I go stand in my kitchen and pretend that the rest of my house looks as nice as it does. ;)  As you can imagine, I'm trying to get a bit more of my house taken care of before diving into my doll rooms.

I've also been doing some eBay and Craigslist listings.  I wasn't planning on selling anything in the month of December (I must be crazy!!), but my mom and I had a few things come our way that we thought would sell well this time of year.  If any of you are interested, you can check out my eBay auctions HERE

So, all that to say...hang in there!  You'll be hearing from me again soon. :)  For now, I'm off to get the kids in bed, pay bills, work on Christmas cards, clean my house...yeah.  It's gonna be a long week. :}


  1. I like the...

    American Girl Doll Irish Dance Outfit of Today Worn by Nellie with shoes & more!

  2. Glad your feeling better and hope you can get posting soon!

    Mickey's Girl

  3. I really like it too! :) My mom and I found a big lot of stuff on Craigslist. She financed everything, since it wasn't in my budget. :} Now, we're trying to sell some of the things we aren't as attached to so that we can partially reimburse Mom's investment. :) I'm planning on doing a post about all of our goodies soon. :D

  4. I'm happy you're feeling better. I've been praying! :)

  5. Glad you are doing better. I am dragging my feet about decorating for Christmas. Don't get me wrong I love Christmas and am expecting Molly as a gift from my husband. It's just the house is perfectly clean and decorated for Thanksgiving and when I drag out all the Christmas decorations it will be messy for 2 days. So I understand why you like the kitchen. LOL

  6. Thanks for commenting, gals. :)

    Agfriend1, I completely understand. Although I'm going on 5 days with a chaotic house!!! :{ I'm hoping to have my house back together by sometime next week. Pathetic, I know, but totally typical for me. :}

  7. Beast'sbelle, I need help finding a doll-sized Christmas tree AND doll size ornaments! Do you have any ideas? :)

  8. Hi Mary!

    At my local Walmart they have doll-sized pre-lit trees in different colors for $9. They might not hold up well for children's play, but for a collector they'd be fine. :)

    JoAnn Fabrics has some nice doll-sized ornaments, and so does Michael's. Any craft type store you have in your area would be a good place to look for ornaments.

    Also, check your local thrift stores. You never know what recycled treasures you may find. :) My doll tree was from my local Salvation Army. It cost me $2. :)

    Hope this helps! :)

  9. Thanks so much beast'sbelle! :)
