
Monday, April 9, 2012

BFC Ink Kaitlin Thrift Store Find

Right before Middle Gal's party, my mom found another BFC Ink Kaitlin doll at Salvation Army.  This one was one of the fully jointed versions (yay!).  

Her hair was pretty messy!

She had her original dress and vest...

...and her legwarmers too, but no boots.

I was amazed to see the difference in the faces of my two Kaitlins.  The fully jointed Kaitlin (on the left) has eyebrows much closer to her eyes, which gives her an older, more teenaged look.  I think my older Kaitlin (on the right) looks more sweet and innocent.

Since the new Kaitlin's hair was such a mess and I knew I'd have to wash it, I decided to take out her braids.

I opted for shampoo and conditioner rather than downy since her hair seemed dirty and I knew it wasn't the greatest quality anyway.

Drying hair dolly style! :)

Here she is with her hair all dry.

I was a bit disappointed with the final results.  Her hair looked great on top but was still incredibly fluffy and dry on the bottom.

She was still a lovely doll, though.

After a few weeks, I decided to try rewigging her.  My original plan was to use this doll to replace my old Kaitlin, because I prefer the fully jointed body style.  However, I liked my older Kaitlin's face better, and I didn't need two identical dolls.  

So off came her hair!  I used scissors to get the hair cut as close to her head as I could.  After these pics were taken, my mom actually used her hair clippers on Kaitlin 2 and was able to get the hair even closer to the scalp.

And so began the great wig fitting, as I tried to figure out the best look for my newest BFC Ink doll:
This one was a Blythe wig from eBay seller shopoholican.

This was a "Carmen" wig from I believe Global dolls.

A crimped "Alice" wig don't remember which wig company.

A size 10 "Rose" wig purchased from

Hailey's old auburn wig...a "Denise" from Monique dolls.

Emily's old blonde wig...the same style and company as the previous wig.

In the end, I decided to remove the pin curls from the "Carmen" wig and have it down all the way.  I really liked this look on Kaitlin 2 (who is still awaiting a new name...and awaiting her fate.  I may end up reselling her, but I haven't decided yet).

After fiddling around for a bit, I decided to try a side part with the same wig.  I thought it gave it a little more elegance.

Lol...of course, after all this, about 2 weeks later I switched back to the crimped "Alice" wig.  At Hubby's recommendation, I used a claw to clip back part of her hair, and it made a world of difference!

  I just can't seem to make up my mind! :}  Which look do you like best?


  1. I like the black one.

  2. Awesome! I like this one the best:

  3. Okay, so two votes for the Blythe wig so far. ;)

  4. They're all so cute! I think I like the Rose one best, but Hailey's old one is really cute too!

  5. I think the problem is....she looks great in all of them! I have to say that I really like her in the black wig. The crimpped Alice wig is my second fav.

  6. Congrats! I found one or both of my BFC big girls at thrift stores. I like the original braids (LOL) but the wig I like best is "Denise." :)

  7. Thanks, everyone! It's fun hearing everyone's opinions. :)

  8. She looks cute in the Carmen wig, but I think I love the black one better! :D

  9. the first one black with bangs .. or the Carman wig with the side part .. she is beautiful ..

  10. I like the Blythe wig and the "Denise" wig.


  11. My favorite out of them is Rose and then Alice wigs. :")

    A Colton Dixon Fan
    Carly :")

  12. Give her the first black wig from Blythe ^_^ RNB and I love dark hair to death! How much did your mom happen to score Kaitlin for? Just wondering(;
    psssst…. I'll have the Samantha Victorian accessories from antique stores post as soon as I get my wig in for Samantha in ^_^

  13. Ooh...I think I like the Carmen wig, the Rose wig, and the Blythe wig. Yep. I'm so indecisive, I had to choose three. ;)

  14. Thanks again, everyone! This has been so fun. :)

    Hi Emmie Johonna. :) My mom got her for $2.99. Gotta love thrift stores! :D

  15. If you end up selling her, please tell me! She would be a great sister for my Cora Lianne (renamed Britt BFC, inc doll). You have the best luck at thrift stores-I look for dolls, but I can never find any! :(

  16. I'm a fan of either Carmen or Rose. Guess I like her best as a brunette.

  17. Thanks, gals. :) Abilene...I'll be sure to let you know if I sell her. :)

  18. I like the Carmen wig best on her, it matches her eyebrows and reminds me of one of my friends. To me, the doll looks like an 'Alice'.

  19. I LOVE the dark Blythe wig. It really makes her eyes pop and her creamy skin to stand out! So amazing.

  20. Would have kept the original hair, just twisting in some locks at the hairends. But, as you decided to get her a wig, why not go one step further. Simply remove the head from the body (there are tubevideo's enough at how to safely do this). Then, get a pair of long tweezers (bearmaking supplies do have them) and remove from the inside of the head all of the hairplugs, timeconsuming, but worth while. Now try on new wigs and you will avoid the "old womans wig" look. Some older women tended to have some hair left, so they are wearing wigs a bit sized up, because they are now bald all over and the wig stands off a bit I observe this in the old peoples home very often. Vy getting your dolls head really hairless a wig should fit mucch neater.

  21. Thanks for the tips, Anonymous. :) Maybe I'll try that next time.

  22. I recently came across your blog and have enjoyed it tremendously. My girls are 4 and 8 and own 4 BFC dolls. All their love has done a number on their hair and I was thinking about buying some wigs. Do you recall what was the head size for your BFC doll? I would love to but the wig before cutting their hair. My girls would freak if they see their beloved girls bald. We own the twins Aleisha and Noelle, Kaitlin and Addison. Do you know what wig material may resist playtime?

  23. Hi Anonymous...thanks for stopping by. :)

    I don't remember offhand what size wig I used for the BFC Ink dolls. I'm pretty sure they wear about the same size as an American Girl doll, which is usually around an 11-12 or 12-13. It would be best for you to measure the head yourself (which you can still do with the hair on, just pull the measuring tape tight). You can see a great chart for measuring wigs on here:

    I would recommend finding wigs that are straight or have just a bit of curl on the ends. Curly hair always requires more maintenance and does not hold up to play as well. I've been pleased with some of the wigs on

    I've also heard good things about's wigs, although I have never personally used them. You can see them here:

    I've been very pleased with the wigs I've purchased from this eBay seller, too:

    Hope this gives you a good starting point. :)

  24. Hi, I love your blog! My 4yo just got into dolls and I've bought her a h4h doll and BFC ink doll I got from eBay. I want to rewig her as her hair is a mess. Do I need a wig cap? How did you secure the wigs on your BFC ink doll? Thank!

  25. Thanks, Sweetesthoneybee. Glad you're enjoying it. :)

    I didn't use a wig cap for mine. I just cut her original hair as close to her head as I could and then put the wig on top.

    Since I wasn't sure which wig I'd be using, I didn't secure them at all. In your case, I'd suggest either using glue (such as Aileen's Tacky Glue) or strips of Velcro (this way you could change her look if you wanted to later). :)

    Have fun customizing your doll!

  26. I'm super impressed at how detailed your comparisons of dolls are and that you have so many dolls!!!

  27. Thanks. :) I'm a bit OCD about detail and also a slight perfectionist, so it really comes in handy with blogging. ;)

  28. I like Number 4 She looks Great in it.

  29. I also got a katlin doll second hand and knew when I bought her I would be rewigging (her hair was a mess) I'm thinking the size was 11-12. After buzzing her hair I used a seam ripper to poke several of the hair plugs further inside then used tacky glue to glue her hair down. Which wig did you end up sticking with? Did you keep her or sell her?
