
Friday, April 5, 2013

400,000 Pageviews Giveaway! :)

In celebration of hitting 400,000 pageviews earlier this week, I'm holding a little mini giveaway here on Never Grow Up. :)  I wanted to show my appreciation for all of my wonderful readers and followers.  Thanks to all of you who have brought me so far, and thanks to my Mom for "sponsoring" this giveaway (providing the prizes). ;)

And speaking of prizes, here they are:

Um, sorry if you got really excited there...Hayden is NOT one of the giveaway prizes. ;)  The winner of this giveaway will receive a set of Aladdin Squinkies and a mini Lalaloopsy Dot Starlight from Series 1.

As you can see, both items are the perfect size for your 18" dolls.  Hayden specifically recommended the Aladdin Squinkies set.  She's really been enjoying hers. :)

Here she is showing you three of the pieces included in the playset.

A closer look at the figures.

If I might offer a word of advice to the winner?  I don't think these were made to stay on their holders for long periods of time.  I've had Hayden's Jasmine and Prince Ali (not included in this set) on the Magic Carpet (which has two pegs on it that hold them in place) for several months now...perhaps six or seven, for those of you interested in specifics.  When I took them down to get these pics, I was very disappointed to see that the pegs had split Jasmine and Ali up their middles. :{

The weird thing is, it wasn't a tight fit or anything, so I'm not sure what exactly caused it.  I wanted to be sure and mention it before I gave away this prize, though, so you wouldn't have the same thing happen to you. :(

For those of you who are curious, here are all of the Squinkies figures that come in this set:

Figures:  Aladdin in "street rat" clothing, Princess Jasmine in blue, Genie, Rajah the tiger, Princess Jasmine in purple, and Abu the monkey.
Holders:  Jasmine's bed, Abu as an elephant, and the Magic Carpet on a cloud.

These figures are from my own personal collection.  Your set will be brand new and unopened in the package.

The other prize is cute little Dot starlight:
Dot is into science and outer space, so she has a moon globe, a mini rocket ship, and a telescope.  She also comes with her pet bird.

My daughters and I have really been enjoying the Lalaloopsy dolls (especially the minis).  This week Lalaloopsy launched a brand new TV series on Nickelodeon, so I thought it would be appropriate to include a mini Lala in the giveaway. :)

So now that I've spent half of the post going into way more detail than you probably needed, here are the official giveaway rules:

1.  To enter, please comment on this post with your name or username and email address.  Comment moderation is on, so no one will see your information but me.

2.  If you are under age 18, please get a parent or guardian's permission to enter.  I will have to get your mailing address to send your prizes to you, and I need to make sure your parent or guardian is okay with that.

3.  The giveaway will be open to entries until FRIDAY, APRIL 12TH.  On Saturday, April 13th, I will put all of the entrants' names in a hat and select one winner (without peeking, of course!). ;)

4.  I will notify the winner via email on that same day.  The winner will have 1 week to respond to the email with their mailing address.  If I have not heard from them by Saturday, April 20th, a new winner will be selected.

5.  I'm sorry, but I cannot do International shipping at this time, so this contest is only open to those in the United States.

6.  Extra entries can be earned in the following ways:
   >Liking my pages on Facebook (click the links below; 1 extra entry per like):
          -Never Grow Up
          -Jane Austen and Unicorns
          -Belle's Bulletins
     >Following me on Pinterest (just 1 extra entry whether you follow 1 or all of my boards)
    >Following me on Twitter (1 extra entry)
    >Subscribing to my YouTube channel (1 extra entry)

If you have already followed or liked or subscribed to any of the above, that counts too! :)  Just let me know in the comments.

Be sure to come back here and leave a comment, telling me what you did for your extra entries.  It will be too difficult for me to keep track if you don't let me know here. :}

Have fun entering, everyone!  As always, if you have any questions, you can leave them in the comments or email me at :)

I'll be pretty busy the rest of this weekend, so my final photography post will have to wait until early next week.  Thanks for understanding. :)  One of the things I'll be doing is discussing the different American Girl doll face molds (based on the research I did for my post on the same topic) at the local doll club I'm involved in.  It should be fun! :D


  1. I like your photography tips. They will be helpful. Thanks for sharing them.

  2. Thanks for all of the entries so far! :)

    Nikki, I entered both you and your sister. :)

  3. LOVE Lalaloopsies. I got the large Pillow Featherbed at a Goodwill a year or so ago, but only got my first minis last month for my 51st birthday! Please enter me in the giveaway.

  4. How great to find a Pillow Featherbed at Goodwill! :) I'm sure that was an exciting day.

    I'd love to enter you in the contest. Could you please leave me another comment with your email address included? That way I have an easy way to contact you if you win. :)

  5. Hi Abbie, I got your earlier comment but didn't publish it. You're entered with your extra entries, don't worry! :) If you could leave another comment with your email address, though, that would be great. Thanks! :)
