
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Ever After High Dolls on PreOrder!

Calling all Ever After High fans!!  The dolls are officially on preorder at and, and they are scheduled to ship by the end of the month. :)

You can see all of the dolls on Amazon HERE, and you can see all of the dolls at Walmart HERE.  So far, Ashlynn Ella and Hunter Huntsman are not on Amazon (except highly overpriced through secondary sellers), but you can get them at Walmart.  The Legacy Day dolls are not on either site yet.  On Amazon, the individual dolls are going for $21.99 each (with free super saver shipping).  At Walmart, the individual dolls are $19.97 and the Ashlynn/Hunter pack is $34.97.  At this point, they do not appear to be offering "site to store", but the shipping prices to ship to home are very reasonable.

The other great news is that this should mean we should start seeing the dolls in stores other than Justice within a month or so! :)

Happy Shopping! :)


  1. Cool. I'm excited for Ashlynn and Hunter.

  2. Yay! I have been waiting to get the EAH dolls from Walmart because I knew they would be cheaper. I will definitely check them out when they hit the stores next month. Thanks for the heads up.

  3. Ugh... I was planning to save for Raven, but Apple looks SO PRETTY in their pictures! Oh well. Maddie would really like to have Raven, so I'll go back to my original plan. I don't know if you've noticed, but Justice has these things for the MH dolls- they are called "Apptivity" figures and they would work great for an AG doll's dolls! Hope they make some EAH ones- my girls are NOT into the monsters.

  4. Glad to be helpful, gals.

    Misspiggy=awesome, I haven't heard of the apptivity figures. I'll have to check them out. ;)

  5. Awesome news! I'm looking forward to seeing these dolls in other stores, since I don't get to Justice too often (no nearby Justice stores).

  6. Yes finally!! I've been waiting and waiting for these dolls to show up in other stores besides Justice. I had been hearing that other people were getting them at TRU and Target I believe but I wasn't seeing them online or in the stores. I began to think that they were only being released into stores by certain states or whatever. But, Either way I'm glad that they're up for order now online. The time for telling people what I'd like for Christmas is upon me! haha. Thanks for the news as well, Your the first person I've heard this news from :)

    Have a great week!

  7. OnceUponADollCollection, I'm looking forward to seeing them in other stores, too. :) We have a Justice, but I don't get there very often.

    No problem, Miss Superman! :) I actually got the news from one of the Ever After High fan pages on Facebook:

    They also post a lot about Monster High dolls, which I don't care for as much, but they've been a great resource for EAH news. :)

    I hope you get some EAH goodies for Christmas! :)

  8. I just saw them in person, finally, and I realized I definitely hate their heads. It's kind of a relief for our wallet, but I wanted to like them because they have awesome clothes :(

  9. Sorry to hear that, BlackKitty, but I understand. I do agree they could have done better with the facial paint, and I wish they looked a little happier.

    At least you can save up for something else fun, though. ;)

  10. Really, it's not the paint that bothers me, it's the whole head shape - too round and looking weird in profile. I'm still thinking though, none of the dolls I want can be found here and it might be a good idea to add something different...

  11. I see what you mean. Sorry I misunderstood.

    The nice thing is you should have some time to decide...they should be around for a while. I know that sometimes a doll line doesn't appeal to me at first and then it grows on me. I don't know if it's because I just get used to them after a while or what. :}
