
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Technical Difficulties

Hey guys, I started working on my first post about our weekend trip tonight, but my computer is not letting me upload my pictures.  I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to wait to get my posts up until Hubby can come home and figure out what's going on. :(  I have my art class tomorrow (I switched days this week so I could prepare for the doll club meeting Wednesday), so I most likely won't be able to get it up until Friday night or sometime Saturday.  Sorry about that. :(

Talk to you long as I can get this issue resolved. :}


  1. Sorry about your computer problems, that sort of thing is not fun :(
    Hoping to hear from you soon,

  2. Thanks, Juliet. I'm hoping I get it figured out soon, too. :(

  3. Last time I put up a post, I had to upload each picture individually. I also significantly make them smaller using Don't know if that is your issue.

  4. I am sorry to hear about your computer issues. My Blogger is also somewhat broken and I understand compleatly.

  5. I've been meaning to tell you this for the longest time, but YOUR HEADER IS PERFECT. :D

  6. My friend just told me that Repunzel
    and Eugene ( sorry for the spelling) Were at the Cornation in frozen!

  7. Thanks, everyone. I ended up uploading my pics at my mom's house, so I'm working on the post now! ;)

    Gracie, I discovered that too, just before I saw Frozen the second time, thanks to Pinterest. :) It was really fun to see their cameo, but it's super quick! You really have to be on guard, or you miss it completely!

  8. And also if you look during the For the First Time in Forever song it shows a painting from Tangled too :)

  9. I love it when they add those fun little extras. :)

    P.S. misspiggy=awesome, thanks! :)
