
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Still Here, but in Crazy Mode ;)

Hey guys...sorry things have been so quiet around here this week.  It all started with sick kiddos on Saturday night/Sunday.  My Mother's Day began with a solo in church after four hours of sleep (due to coughing kiddos and a snoring husband...poor guy's been working 50 hour weeks and is all congested) and ended with cleaning up vomit from my truck (Little Gal was sick on the way home from my dad's birthday party).  Happy Mother's Day to me. :}

While no one else has gotten the stomach bug so far (thank you, Lord!!), I still have kiddos coughing through the night and a crazy schedule as I wrap up my final art classes.  We're ending the year with an in-class art contest that has been a lot of fun but a lot of work to organize. :)

All that to say that you won't be hearing much from me this week.  I hope to be back to regular posting by next week, and I'll try to get to publishing my comments by the end of the week.  Feel free to leave comments for me even if I don't get them up right away.

Miss you guys!  I'll talk to you again soon when the whirlwind is over. ;)


  1. Ug, not sounding fun. I hope your kids (and husband) get well soon, and that things calm down a bit.

  2. Praying for you all. Hope things calm down soon and no one else gets ill.

  3. I wanted to take the time to thank you for always keeping us updated when you are MIA. :)
    It means a lot to me that you keep us in mind. I miss you too.

  4. Thanks so much, everyone. :) I'm working on a new post now!
