
Monday, August 8, 2016

Drumroll Needed

Hey guys! Thanks for waiting so patiently for the giveaway results today. I had a rough night with Middle Gal last night, who had a bad dream and then couldn't fall back asleep, and then had to get up super early with Oldest Gal, who was headed off to Six Flags with her friend this morning. Needless to say, I've been a little slow and groggy today. ;)

So, I counted and double-checked all of the entries. We had twenty-four people enter the giveaway contest, and a total of fifty-two entries by the time I counted all of the extra entries (for likes, comments, etc.).

 As usual, I wrote all of the  names down...

...cut them out, folded them in half, and put them in a bowl.

Then I had Little Gal pick one name from the bowl without looking.

And the winner is...

...Anna Catherine! Congratulations! :D 

Anna will have one week to get back to me with her mailing address. If I don't hear from her by Monday, August 15th, a new winner will be chosen. 

UPDATE:  I've heard back from Anna Catherine, so she is the official winner. :)

Thank you to everyone who participated, and thank you again for your sweet, wonderful comments. If I had the means, I would send all of you giveaway boxes. :) 

Have a wonderful week! I have a few posts in the works for you that should be up by next week at the latest, and then I will be taking a brief blogging hiatus. Hubby has a few weeks of vacation, so I'd like to focus on some spending time with the family and working on some much needed projects around the house for the remainder of the month. ;) 

Talk to you guys again soon!


  1. Congrats to Anna! :D Also, I own that same bracelet! :D

  2. Cool! I see my name on the paper it's neat to see it in your handwriting on a post on a blog I love. Congrats to the winner!! I can't wait to see more posts by you in the future. Maybe stuff about boy 18in dolls? I just made one out of my first AG doll and I feel really excited about it.

  3. Hi Sunny! I do want to do more posts with 18 inch dolls. Sorry those have been so sporadic lately. I'm finding as the girls have gotten older that traveling with a smaller doll or toy is a lot easier. ;) And I guess my focus has been more on smaller toy lines since my budget has not been as flexible. You're not the only one who's requested this, so I'll try to do better at including my 18 inch gals. :)

  4. Congratulations, Anna Catherine; enjoy your goodies!
