
Saturday, January 28, 2012

New EBay Listings

Hi everyone!  Just a quick post.  I've been working on eBay listings all day and finally have everything done! :)  The main reason I'm letting all of you know is that I was able to pick up 2 Madame Alexander Friends Boutique dolls in the after Christmas clearance at Walmart.  I've had so many of you ask about them, especially Emily (who just happens to be one of the dolls I got!), that I thought I'd let you know.  I'm listing them for the price I bought them for, $16.99 (plus shipping, of course), with no reserve and no buy it now price.  My hope is that those of you who missed out on these dolls before Christmas might be able to snag one at a good price now.

I also have an American Girl Mini Anniversary Kit doll and some other fun doll and Disney stuff. :)  You can view my items for sale HERE.

I also wanted to update my header, and as you all know, I like to have my previous header added to my posts for my own enjoyment.  So, here's the current header, soon to be replaced (I really like how it turned out!):

I'm having issues with centering my new header, partially due to the fact that my camera somehow got on a setting where it's taking pictures with smaller megapixels...argghh!!  I'll keep trying, but for now, I'm just going to have to deal with an off-centered header.  As I'm a person who loves symmetry, I'm not sure I'll survive! ;)

I don't know how much I'll be on this weekend, but I do want to work on some of my promised upcoming posts in the next couple of weeks.  I don't like saying I'll do something and then not following through! :}  Unfortunately, with my brain the way it is and with all the responsibilities of home, it seems to happen more and more.

I'll be in touch!


  1. I've awarded you the Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award!
