
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

New Doll Room Vids Up on YouTube :)

Hey guys!  Just wanted to let you know that I did some videos of my new doll room arrangements on YouTube today.  This was partially due to requests from a few of you and partially in celebration of reaching 100 subscribers on YouTube (and then surpassing it...I'm up to 103 now)! :D  Wow!!  I never thought my channel would have that much interest.  To all of you who have subscribed, thanks so much! :)

To see a video of my 18" doll rooms in their newer set up, click HERE.

To see my shelves with my Lalaloopsy and Tangled collections, click HERE.

To see my Frozen collection and my Beauty and the Beast collection in my curio, click HERE.

To see the various collections I keep on my white shelves (including my G4 and G3 MLPs, my Zelfs, the rest of my Beauty and the Beast dolls and more), click HERE.

To see my curio of 80s and 90s toys, click HERE.

I'm still getting the hang of using the video feature on my camera, so a lot of the videos are shaky (the first one will make you downright seasick at first!) and don't focus like I'd like them to.  Hopefully you can enjoy the virtual tours anyway. :}

Have a wonderful remainder of the week.  I'll have more posts up for you next week, starting with a review of the miWorld Dairy Queen playset. :)

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

More Frozen Dolls Restocked...Nevermind :(

Hey everyone!  The Disney Store just restocked a few of their Frozen items.  Included in this restock are Singing Anna, Classic Hans, and Elsa and Anna toddler dolls.  They also have the Baby Sven plush and the Olaf plush.  You can see everything HERE.

This stuff always sells out super fast, so if there's anything you want, grab it quick! ;)

Happy Shopping!

EDIT:  Between the time I started this post and the time I finished it, everything sold out.  I'm so sorry, guys.  I'll keep trying to inform you as I can. :(

Monday, April 28, 2014

An Update on my Custom Doll Project

Several of you have asked about my custom Monster High doll project that I started last year, wondering why there haven't been any updates (you can read my original post about her HERE, but be aware that you'll have to scroll down through a lot of other stuff first). ;) 

Um, basically, you haven't heard anything because I haven't done much of anything. :}  Like many of the projects I begin with gusto, I hit a few road bumps this time around which pretty much dampened my enthusiasm. 

First off, I accidentally broke her neck...literally.

All that's left of the joint in her neck.

Around the same time, I accidentally broke a piece of her shoulder off.  All of this happened when I was trying to remove the stitch marks from her arms and legs with acetone-free nail polish remover.  So, I definitely need to keep my eye out for a new body at Goodwill. :}  I've also decided that I'd rather not work on Frankie dolls anymore, as the stitching is super hard to remove from her limbs. :(

I still pressed on and got to work removing all of her hair plugs, using pliers and warm water.

It was really weird seeing these big chunks of glue come out.

After a while, I switched to hemostats to get a better grip.

I worked over the sink so all these little chunks of hair wouldn't get all over the place.

I did manage to remove all of the hairplugs, which was quite an accomplishment.  I thought it was interesting how much thicker the holes were at her part line (to allow for more hair there).

Side view

I ended up nicking her chin with the hemostats at one point, which was a bit frustrating.

This is what my bowl looked like after I'd gotten everything out of her head. :}

And honestly, that's all I've accomplished.  I really overdid my fingers getting all of the hair plugs removed, so I put her in a baggie and stashed her away...and promptly forgot about her.  Things like teaching art and getting kiddos to and from school haven't helped with my dedication.  I think it all ended up being a bit harder than I expected, too, so I wasn't exactly thrilled to get back to it right away.

But, at least you know how far I've gotten. :)  I do plan on getting back to this project at some point (I even purchased some cheap water color pencils to play around with), but I can't promise that it will be anytime soon. :}

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Frozen Anna Doll Available at

Hey guys!  Just wanted to let you know that the classic Anna doll is available right now at  You can see her HERE.   She doesn't show up on the Frozen page, but if you search "Frozen doll", she comes up.  Just thought I'd let you guys know in case anyone missed Anna during the last few restocks.  I have no clue how many of them are left, so if you want her, I'd act quickly.

Thanks to drj1828 on Flickr for alerting me to this information. :)

In other news, I got my confirmation email for the Elsa and Kristoff dolls I ordered, so Little Gal and Oldest Gal will officially have their Frozen dolls...finally!

There's still supposed to be another restock for those of you looking for dolls other than Anna, so don't give up!  I'll try to let you guys know here if I notice the restock in time. :)

Happy Shopping!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Mosi Photo Shoot

Ever since I got my Hearts For Hearts Girls Mosi, I've been wanting to do an outdoor photo shoot.  She is such a beautiful, photogenic doll.  A couple of days ago, we had a lovely overcast day, perfect for outside piccys. :)  I hope you enjoy looking through these as much as I enjoyed taking them! :)

Here are a few that I played around with on to get some fun edited photos:

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Disney Store Frozen Merchandise Limited Stock

Hey guys!  Just a quick update.  A few of the Frozen dolls and toys are back in stock on are back in stock.  They were just restocked this morning, and stuff is already selling out.  At this point, Anna and Elsa classic dolls are still available.  Get 'em quick!  They won't last long!  You can see all of the Frozen merchandise HERE.  I think we finally got Little Gal's Elsa and Oldest Gal's Kristoff, but I'm not going to count on anything until they're shipped and on their way. :}  Kristoff sold out right after I placed my order, so I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't make it. :{

There's also a bonus 40% off of select items going on right now, using promo code BONUS40.  To see all of the items that qualify, click HERE.  

Happy quick shopping! ;)

Monday, April 21, 2014

Zelf Photo Shoot (Extremely Picture Heavy!!) :}

Hey everyone!  I hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend with your families. :)  In keeping with our yearly tradition, we spent Saturday with my family and did an egg hunt and a big meal.  That way, Sunday is reserved for the true meaning of Easter.  Unfortunately, I caught a cold that prevented me from going with my family to church on Sunday, so I spent most of my Easter on the couch with tissue and tea. :}

Anyway, on Saturday, I brought several of my Zelfs with me so I could take a few outdoor photos.  I had a great time figuring out perfect places for them.  My daughters and even my dad had a few suggestions, too. ;)  I hope you enjoy the results:  


(clockwise from the top left) Lil' Lady B, Birchy, Dandy Lion, and Dorothy Doe


Flitter and Buttershy


Not a Zelf, but too gorgeous to pass up. ;)


The whole gang :)


After I'd taken several photos of the Zelfs in different outdoor poses, I thought it would be fun to take some pictures as if I were a wildlife photographer, trying to get pictures of them in their natural habitats.  It was fun coming up with unique shots to give that effect:

Each of my daughters got to find a Lil' Zelf egg on their Easter egg hunt, so they asked if I could take some pictures of their Zelfs, too. :)  They came up with the "poses" and locations.

Middle Gal's Dorothy Doe in the jingling garden bells...

...and in one of Papa's planters.

Oldest Gal's Lady B. in the strawberry patch...

...and taking time to smell the roses. ;)

Little Gal's Webina in a plant pot...

...and by the pond. 

The girls also decided that this would be an appropriate picture for Easter weekend. :)

It's been a long time since I've done an outdoor photo shoot.  I had so much fun. :)  I definitely need to make time for more photo days. :)

Since I had so many fun photos to choose from, I decided to do a Zelf-themed blog header.   Here is my former header (one of my very favorites!):