
Monday, March 23, 2015

Photo Shoot, Mount Hermon Updates, and My New Blog

Hello, everyone! I hope your week is going well so far. :) Things are going well on my end, although I'm starting to feel the pressure of the upcoming conference and all of the last minute details I have to wrap up before then. :}

I will be leaving for Mount Hermon on Thursday, and won't return until late next Tuesday. As you can imagine, posting will be pretty scarce this week...perhaps even nonexistent. I'm not sure whether I'll have Internet connection or if I'll have any spare time while I'm there. However, I plan on taking pictures and sharing them with you as soon as I get back. :) I've decided to take my Zelfs Dorothy Doe and Petal with me to help document the experience. ;)

In other news, I started another blog last week. This one is just for my writing. I'm taking things slow for now (there are only two posts up so far). I just thought I'd mention it here in case anyone was interested. You can check it out on WordPress HERE.

Spring is definitely starting to show itself around our house. Last week, our cherry tree broke out in glorious blossoms, so I seized the opportunity for a photo shoot. It's been a long time since I've puttered around my yard with a camera, a doll, and some toys. I enjoyed myself immensely and got some pretty nice shots, too. ;) I hope you enjoy them!

While she's kind of an odd-looking little thing, Dorothy Doe is quite photogenic and one of my very favorite Zelfs. :) 

Charlie decided to join the photo shoot today, too. She's all decked out in her new outfit (provided by my mom). :)

Beautiful blossoms! 

Elfa in her natural habitat. :)

These pretty little flowers grow wild in our backyard.

Petal is one of the Zelfs I picked up on our birthday trip. I'm so glad I did. She's just adorable! :)

That's about all for now. I hope you all have a fantastic week. I'll be back sometime next week with lots of conference news to share! :D

I used some of my Zelf pictures from this photo shoot for a new header, so here's a copy of my previous one. :)


  1. honeysucklejasmineMarch 23, 2015 at 9:48 PM

    positively do not share anything during your trip. focus on the excitement of it!! When you come back though, make a 200 page post and share everything with us!! :p Can't wait to see your book in stores and pick up a copy myself!!! :-D Have lots of fun!!

  2. Thanks, honeysucklejasmine. :) I'm looking forward to sharing all about the conference when I come back. :)

  3. Sending prayers and best wishes for you at the Mount Hermon Conference. I am amazed by how God moved to send you there. Have a safe trip and a wonderful experience!

  4. Cute pictures! Have fun at Mount Hermon!!!!!! :D

  5. Thank you so much, Lisa and MyLittleMegara! :)

  6. Love your Spring pictures. We are moving into Autumn (Fall) here so the leaves are starting to change colour and a lot of our native plants are starting to bud and flower. Have a safe trip and enjoy the opportunity God has given you.

  7. Thank you, Carrickters. And thanks for being a part of my adventure. :)

  8. Since when did Charlie changed her style into "girly"?

  9. Lol, she didn't, Anonymous. She wasn't too thrilled with my choice of outfit. ;) Thankfully, she isn't as picky as Maggie, so I was able to get away with it.

    She did like the hat, but she was relieved to get back to her cowboy boots after the shoot. ;)

  10. I love your blog. Great doll adventures. I'm a grown-up doll lover too. please check out my blog?

  11. Hi jacquie doll! Thanks for stopping by. :) I had fun checking out your blog and your YouTube channel. It's always fun "meeting" other online doll lovers. :)

    Have a great day!
