
Friday, February 9, 2018

It's Been Far Too Long...

Hello all of my dear, patient friends...if any of you are still reading this and haven't given up on me. Yes, I am alive. Yes, I still love toys. Yes, I am still crazy busy and unorganized. Yes, I promise that the review posts I talked about last November (yeesh!) will eventually appear.

I don't have much time at the moment, but just wanted to pop in and say hello for all of those who have been wondering if I will ever post again. I'm quite disappointed with myself. I always wanted to keep blogging strong. I didn't want to be one of those blogs that slowly dwindled into oblivion. And yet, here I am, doing just that.

While my blogging has been pretty stinky, I've stayed active on Instagram. These days, that's the best place to find me. We're leaving for my daughters' annual combined birthday trip tomorrow, so there will be plenty of opportunities for toy shopping. Hooray! I'll be sharing pics from our trip as we travel, so you'll want to check it out. :) You can find me HERE.

I've also been trying to build up my writing blog. I even featured my newly acquired Shopkins Happy Places Cutiecorn in my latest post. ;)

I have a lot of projects going right now, from writing to illustrating to driving the girls back and forth to practices. All three girls were cast in a local production of "Annie Jr." ("Annie" with fewer songs and less dialogue). I'm so proud of them and thrilled that they have this opportunity. But also crazy busy. They have practices two to three times a week after school from now through the end of March. Needless to say, I won't have a lot of extra time over the next couple of months, so I hate to promise that I'll be back to regular blogging anytime soon.

Please know, though, that even though I'm not blogging about them as often, I'm still a doll and toy fan and collector. I love all of you and am so thankful for you. I'm sorry I'm so behind on responding to comments, but I do read them and love hearing from you. I'm hoping to get some responses up within the next week.

I'm not going to promise any upcoming posts, because I keep doing that and then failing to follow through. But I hope to have a "real" post up very soon. Until then, like I said, you can find me on Instagram and check out all of the fun pictures from our trip this weekend! :D I can't wait to visit Toys R Us and the Disney Store again.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!


  1. I'm always happy and hopeful when I see a new post from you. Thank you for not giving us up. :)
    I have a 2017 Classic Belle doll review in works and I would love to put a link in there to your 2016 Belle review - for comparsion but only if you agree. :)
    Instagram is nice because it can be seen even if one is not registered. :)

  2. Hannah,

    I love reading your posts, and real life always gets in the way, I swear. I never remember to take pics of the crochet projects that I do, and I have a list of etsy reviews I should do. It's just always nice to read a post from you. Have a great time, and hopefully we'll see more updates at some point!

    Scifiandfairytaledolls on IG

  3. I just found your blog today. My niece would love this blog. She's really getting into American Girl dolls and we're planning a birthday trip to Chicago to go to the American girl store. We're all really excited about it!

  4. Not trying to guilt you because I know you have a busy life and family way more important than a blog, but your fabulous reviews that always seemed to cover every detail of interest and concern for adult collectors as well buyers for children are SORELY missed!! I made an icon for your blog on my phone home screen and keep checking periodically. Whenever or if ever you return, it will be most welcome!!
