
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Free Shipping on Toys at Today Only!

Hey everyone!  Just a quick post to let you know that (as the title says) there's free shipping on all toys at the website.  It's today only, so if you want to take advantage of this great deal, head over there soon!  There's a page devoted just to the toys that are currently on sale as well, which you can find HERE.

All of their classic princess and prince dolls (except for Eugene and Rapunzel) are on sale for $10 each, and the singing princess dolls are on sale for $20 (singing Tiana is on sale for $15!).  Also, the Disney Animator Collection princess dolls are on sale for $20.  There are some other sales on toys as well. :)

I also thought I should mention, for those of you who aren't aware of it, that is having a "Daily Deals" special.  Each day, they have new items on really good sales.  I feel sheepish that I didn't post this yesterday, when all of the remaining holiday minis were on sale for $14 each.  Sorry if any of you missed it (I was trying very hard to avoid temptation, myself). :(  There are more sales every day, though, and they didn't sell out of any of the holiday minis yesterday (mini holiday Cecile was already sold out before the sale, which is probably good, because I totally would have bought her!!), so they may put them on sale again.  So check back on each day for new deals!  I've included a direct link to their Daily Deals page HERE.

Also, I just wanted to let you know that I will be posting rather frequently in the next week.  I discovered a bunch of draft posts from October that I'd never published, so I've scheduled them to post throughout this week. :D

Have a great day!


  1. I think I might be way too tempted and buy either an Animator's Collection Belle (I have Rapunzel) or the 12" Belle doll. :)

    Mickey's Girl

  2. Yeah, I'm pretty much just steering clear of both websites today. :}

  3. I caved and bought 12" Rapunzel and Flynn. I had them sent directly to my parents, with instructions to give them to anyone who didn't yet have a gift for Pie. I was kind of annoyed that Disney Store kept exempting those two from the rest of the Prince and Princess sales; I figured free shipping was as good as I was getting before Christmas.

    I'm glad I missed the sale minis on AG! I've been buying too much for myself, the added temptation would have been bad!

  4. How fun, Jen! I hope Pie enjoys them. :) I've found it a bit annoying myself that Rapunzel and Flynn are never included in the sales. I mean, I know they are the newest of the prince and princess dolls, but good's been a year since their movie came out! ;)

    It was pretty tough to avoid temptation on the minis. If mini Cecile was there, I would definitely have splurged. Like you, I've been struggling with buying too much for myselt! :}

  5. I think Disney Store is moving enough stock of Rapunzel and Flynn at full price, so they see no need to spur on sales with a discount. Annoying, but that's the free market for you. ;)

    I saw the minis on sale again today...good thing Cecile isn't around, or I'd be in trouble!

  6. That's true. Well, I am glad that Rapunzel is such a popular princess (she certainly deserves it with such a great movie). ;) I guess we'll just have to wait until "Brave" comes out next summer before Rapunzel and friends get marked down to sale prices. :)
