
Monday, December 5, 2011

Piper's Outfit from

Wow, I forgot all about this post!  I was going through my drafts and found this post with all of the pictures but no words! :}

So, some of you may remember the sale at that I posted about several months ago?  Well, this is what I purchased.  You'll probably recognize it, as it has now become Piper's "meet outfit". :)  I got this for around $12 including shipping.

The pants are made out of a nice, stretchy material.  They seem like they'd be very comfortable to wear.  I'm not pleased with how this picture turned out.  The pants look much closer to the first picture than this one.  They're a true black and not as pilled as they look in this pic. :(

The top is adorable, too.  Its made out of a stretchy polyester-type material.  It coordinates really well with Piper's Chococat necklace, too. :)

This is the belt that came with the ensemble.  Very cute and stylish.

Here's the whole outfit.  I think it looks great with Piper's coloring. :)


  1. Totally adorable! Goodness, I spend more on doll clothes and goodies more than I do on myself. I just love them!

  2. Yeah! Whenever I dress my dolls up all "stylish" my mom and I always say "She has better clothes than me" haha!

    Mickey's Girl

  3. Cute .. that looks really good on Piper, can tell why she chose it.


  4. Piper's dark hair and kimono tops so kawaii(japanese for cute) :D
