
Artwork and Photography

Here's a page with some of my arty doodles I've shared with you (and some I haven't), as well as some links to my posts about doll photography. :)

Doll Photography #1: Introduction and Posing

Doll Photography #2:  Lighting and Background

Doll Photography #3:  Emotion

Doll Photography #4:  Editing

A random lady I sketched.  I'm really glad I took a picture of her, because 2 days later Little Gal accidentally spilled water on this and it got all crinkled and messed up. :}  Good thing I wasn't too attached to it!  You can see my post about this drawing HERE

Fluttershy from "My Little Pony Friendship is Magic".  This was my first attempt at drawing a G4 My Little Pony, and I'm very pleased with how it turned out. :)

Here are some of the illustrations I shared with you from my story I wrote in college:

And here's my earlier sketch of Belle and the Prince from "Beauty and the Beast".  You can read more about this picture HERE

I bought this plastic drawer unit at Goodwill, but it had someone's name drawn twice in permanent marker on the top.  So I used my own permanent markers to decorate the top and cover up the names.  You can't even see them now. :) 

A drawing of Raven Queen from Ever After High that I'm not super thrilled with.  I drew this really late while I was waiting for Hubby to get home from work.  It looks okay as long as you don't compare it too closely to the original. ;)

A closer look at her face.  Sigh...her eyes are a bit uneven. ;)  You can read my post about this drawing and my above drawer project HERE.  

My version of Kristoff and Anna from Disney's "Frozen". :)  This was my first attempt at any of these characters, and while there are some things I would like to try on my next drawing, I'm happy with how they turned out. :)  You can see my post about my picture HERE. :)

Art class is rubbing off on me!  I came home and did some sketching of my own after a day of teaching art to the elementary kiddos.  Here is my Manga-style girl.  You can see this and a couple other sketches HERE

More Frozen fun!  Here's the picture I did in celebration of my Frozen Blog Party.  I'm especially thrilled with how Elsa turned out. :)

Here's the photo after I "winterized" it on and added "Never Grow Up" for my header. :)  You can see more about this picture HERE

Even more Frozen! :)  This was a pencil sketch of Elsa I did from memory while supervising my art students. :)  (I did this the day after I drew the previous picture, so I still had that one fresh in my mind.) :)  You can see more HERE

David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor! :)  I had a lot of fun capturing him in pen, ink and colored pencil.  You can see more HERE.

More to come! :)


  1. I LOVE to draw and sketch and I must say you are AMAZING!!!!

  2. Thanks. :) I've been drawing since I was 3, so it's a huge part of who I am. :)

  3. Wow!!!!! You're an awesome artist. I really wish I could draw as good as you!

  4. Thanks, Anonymous. :) I've been drawing since I was about 3 years old, so I've had a lot of years to practice. ;)

  5. Lol...I just looked up at my earlier comments and noticed that I already mentioned that I'd been drawing since I was 3. :} Whoops! Going senile already! ;)

  6. you are an amazing artist. I love your lady sketch.

  7. Thank you, Anonymous. I draw far too little these days, but I do enjoy my artwork. :)

  8. You are a great artist!

    I've been drawing since I was 3 as well!

    Though, that doesn't mean as much, as I am only eleven. :}

  9. Since that comment when I first found out about your blog and saw these drawings, I've slowly become a better artist. I look at these when I need inspiration and motivation.

  10. So glad that it's been helpful! :) Keep on drawing!

  11. Wow! You are so talented! Singing, drawing, photography! My sister draws really well at manga. I love your fluttershy!

  12. Thanks, Caitlin! :)

    I've never tried my hand at Manga, although I had several Japanese exchange students stay with me when I was younger, and they used to draw in an amazing anime style. I always wished I could draw like that. ;)

  13. Don't forget to add your wonderful [i]Frozen[/i] drawing to this page of fabulous art :) You are a very talented artist, share it with the world!

  14. Thanks for the reminder, Juliet. :) I actually meant to add it right after I finished the post and completely spaced it. ;) I'll get it up here today.

  15. I found this really cute post in the archives of one of my friend's blogs. She's a really great artist for almost 12.

  16. Hi Anonymous. She did do a great job. :) Thanks for sharing!

  17. Goodness, but you are talented! Your art work is lovely. :) Blessings to you. Melody
