Thursday, May 16, 2013

Almost There...

Okay, so how many of you thought of Tiana when you saw my post title? ;)  I actually was not referring to "The Princess and the Frog", but to the fact that we're almost done with the school year.  Even though I know within a couple of weeks I'll be going bonkers with all three kiddos in the house all day, I'm still looking forward to the end of the school year.  The thought of not having to get three girls and myself up, ready and out the door by 8:00 in the morning is quite appealing at the moment. ;)

I know my posting has been rather flaky lately, and I apologize for that.  There have been so many school activities and last minute projects that it's been difficult to set aside the time I'd like for the blogs.  I'll also be cancelling Netflix this week which will *ahem* help tremendously with my time management. :}

My final photo for The Doll Wardrobe's photo contest is due tomorrow.  Right now I'm deciding between two photos but having a hard time coming to a conclusion.  Once all the entries are in, I'll do a post on my entry photo and some of the others that didn't make it.

I guess that's about all for now...just wanted to let you know I was still alive and everything. ;)  I hope you all have a wonderful day. :)

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